Did you know that according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the average commercial building wastes 30% of its energy?

Use the following measures to unlock hidden energy savings for your business, whether you own or lease your space.

  1. Track energy consumption - The average monthly commercial electric bill in California is around $900/month. Learn how to cut energy waste and save on utility bills with ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager® by tracking and benchmarking energy consumption. Learn more.
  2. Strategically plan energy use - Shift energy use to off-peak hours before 4 p.m. or after 9 p.m. to lower your electricity bill and make better use of cleaner renewable energy when it’s more available. Learn more
  3. Upgrade lighting to LEDs - LEDs use up to 75% less energy than incandescent or halogen bulbs, creating immediate savings once installed. SDG&E offers instant lighting rebates at participating distributors. Learn more.
  4. Program your thermostat - Smart thermostats are a great way to save energy. If you enroll in SDG&E’s Smart Thermostat program, you can save money when SDG&E remotely adjusts your thermostat a few degrees during a Reduce Your Use, Critical Peak Pricing, or AC Saver Day Ahead Day. Learn more.

  5. Unplug and upgrade - Plug and process loads typically constitute 30-50% of a building’s total energy use. Simple actions to save include using ENERGY STAR certified products, enabling energy saving settings and choosing more energy-efficient equipment when upgrading. Learn more

  6. Maintain your HVAC system - Heating, ventilation and air conditioning accounts for up to 45% of a building’s energy use. Making sure your HVAC equipment is energy efficient and properly maintained reduces your HVAC costs. Through SDG&E’s Business Energy Solutions program, your business may be eligible for incentives and 0% financing. Learn more.

  7. Invest in renewable energy and storage - Combining on-site energy generation, such as solar photovoltaics, with energy storage maximizes savings. Solar powers your business during the day and storage units discharge energy during on-peak hours or when demand is high, helping reduce your energy bill. This also provides greater flexibility in demand response and can supply emergency backup power. Learn more.

  8. Electrify your fleet - Transitioning your company fleet to hybrid or electric vehicles (EVs) helps reduce overall fuel and maintenance costs. With over 40 different EV models and rebates available for fleets of all sizes, driving electric has never been easier. Learn more.

Download our guide Go Green. Save Green. Resources for Local Businesses to Save Energy and Money to learn about additional programs and incentives available for your business!

Local Programs & Incentives

There are many programs and incentives throughout San Diego County to help businesses save energy and water. Visit the websites below to find out more.

SDG&E offers a variety of programs, rebates and incentives for small and large business customers.

WaterSmart SD offers water use surveys, rebates for upgrading your fixtures, as well as other tools and resources to help your business save water and money!

Green Business Network Toolkit

The San Diego Regional Green Business Network (SDRGBN) developed this step-by-step Green Business Network (GBN) Toolkit as a blueprint for municipalities and other public agencies interested in establishing their own GBN.

Section I presents three GBN case studies from public agencies around the country to provide examples of how agencies have successfully implemented their GBN programs. If an agency would like to pursue the creation of their own GBN, then they can evaluate the feasibility of a local network and how to move forward by following the seven key steps to establishing a successful GBN described in Section II. Download the toolkit.

Other Local Networks

Learn more about local green business networks available in your area.

This is a project of the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative, which is partially funded by California utility customers and administered by San Diego Gas & Electric® (SDG&E) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The Center for Sustainable Energy® is a member of the collaborative. Trademarks are property of their respective owners.